Monday, March 5, 2007

My Reading List

I have a few books with me for the rather long journey across the Atlantic:

Rabble-Rouser for Peace: The Authorized Biography of Desmond Tutu by John Allen.
I've had this on the list for a while and couldn't pass up the chance to read it as I travel to South Africa. I'll post more about Tutu a little later, as I just finished re-reading a section of his book Hope and Suffering.

The End of Povery: Economic Possibilities for Our Time by Jeffrey Sachs
We *can* do it. Do we want to? That's Jeffrey Sachs question to us. This is on the list because it seems to be a must read for anyone interested in the Millenium Development Goals. Also, Sachs advocates for the need to understand and confront the deep connection between peace and economic development.

Glory Descending: Michael Ramsey and His Writings
Ok, so I'm reading this for something else, but the 100th Archbishop of Canterbury's words evoke the deep affections I have for my fellow Anglicans around the world. His writings are an interesting backdrop to this meeting as the Church struggles with the ministry of reconciliation.